Products to help you start your own children’s Holy Hour

“Children’s Adoration in the Third Millennium”- shows you how much children’s adoration has
spread across the world since the year 2000. Over the years, thousands of DREs, parents and
priests have discovered the impact that quiet time alone with Jesus can have on our youth.

“The Mass, Unveiled For Children” – This video is designed to answer the many questions people
have about what Mass is all about. Fr Antoine explains why we go to Mass, the meaning of the
priests’ vestments, why the priest drops a little piece of the Host into the chalice before
Communion, and many more beautiful mysteries that take place during Mass. It is a wonderful
educational video for children as well as adults!

Along with the 2 videos, that will hopefully help children and adults to discover the mystery of the
Eucharistic Presence of Jesus Christ, a CD is now available with songs of praise and adoration.

Please check beside the items you wish to have in your kit.

DVD: “Children’s Adoration the Third Millennium”- $15
DVD: “Mass-The Greatest Act of Love”-$15
New Music CD for adoration – $15
Eucharistic Rosary Meditation CD Set- $10
One Leader’s Guide (includes suggested prayers to use with children and many helpful ideas- $10
“Loving God Throughout My Day” by Fr Antoine Thomas prayers to live in a spirit of adoration
all day long- $7

Please make checks payable to “Children of Hope”.
Entire Kit $72.00 (one of everything listed above)
shipping cost please add $8 for USA priority mail.
(international mail cost $24 per order)
[email protected] or 316-990-6647 to speak with Sandy Rongish for help
City___________________State Zip Phone__________________

Mail to:
Children of Hope
c/o Sandy Rongish
601 S. Westfield St.
Wichita, KS

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