You can adapt any of the suggestions in the Leader’s manual to fit your own style; the following are only offered as starting points for groups. Ultimately we all rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us each week as we try to humbly offer ourselves to be, as Mother Teresa put it so well, “a pencil in the hand of God.” You wouldn’t be starting this group without first having received a prompting from the Holy Spirit to do so. It is God Himself calling you because He desires to be close to His children. Did He not say, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14)

Here are a few steps to help you get started:

  1. Ask your pastor if he would agree to watch the video on children’s adoration by Fr Antoine
  2. Discuss with him who can lead the Holy Hours
  3. Pray for help to know a good time for the children’s Holy Hour in your parish
  4. Advertise in your bulletin and parish paper
  5. Put some posters up around your parish
  6. Address the Mother’s Group if you have one, and don’t forget the home-schooling families
  7. See if you can send home an invitation with the school children

Things to remember to bring to your Holy Hours:

  1. Leader’s Manual
  2. Bible
  3. Children’s booklets
  4. Watch
  5. Rosaries

Here is a brochure you can “tweak” to fit your own needs for advertising your adoration with the children. click here

Brother Isaiah Viotte leading children
at St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Wichita Kansas.

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